Baptism Intake Form Baptismal Request Intake Form Baptismal Request Intake Form Full name of person to be baptized. * Date of birth of person to be baptized * Place of birth of person to be baptized - city, state * Gender Male Female Father's Full Name Father's Religion Mother's Full Name including Maiden Name Mother's Religion Address City State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Email Are you a registered parishioner of the Cathedral? Yes No Place/Church where you were married: 1st Sponsor/Godparent Full Name 1st Sponsor/Godparent Religion 2nd Sponsor/Godparent Full Name 2nd Sponsor/Godparent Religion The Pastor requires a letter from the church of each godparent stating that each is a parishioner in good standing in their respective home parishes. Please obtain these and bring to the Baptismal Preparation Class. I have read the requirement above and will provide the needed documents. Please check. Date of Preparation Class Date of Baptism Time of Baptism Adoption Yes No Yes No Do we have your permission to mention and congratulate the newly baptized in our bulletin or newsletter? Yes No reCAPTCHA Submit