Cathedral News

Link to October 30 Golden Stars Outing


Link to October 30 Golden Stars Outing


Link to October 18, 2024 Online Newsletter

Link to October 18, 2024 online newsletter



Cathedral of the Assumption Bourbon Society

To learn more about the Cathedral of the Assumption Bourbon Society, click here.  



Moving Towards Oneness

Link to our 3 parish experience.  


Get the We Connect Parish App!

Get the “We Connect” Cathedral App!  For details, click here.


Free Parking for Weekend Masses

Free Parking for Weekend Masses

Free Parking for Weekend Masses

Saturday 5:30 Mass – Parking Lot at corner of 5th and Liberty

Sunday Masses – Parking Garage next to Cathedral and Parking Lot at corner of 5th and Liberty


360 View of Cathedral


Painting with a Cathedral History is highlighted by NPR


1824 Painting with a Cathedral History is highlighted by WFPL

WFPL posted an article about the restored Matthew Harris Jouett painting,  The Dead Christ Mourned (The Three Maries), which goes on display at the Speed Art Museum beginning Saturday, October 12. To view, click here.


Say A Prayer Video

Cathedral is featured in “Say A Prayer” music video.


Msgr. Bouchet’s Telescope

Msgr. Bouchet's Telescope

It’s working and will be touring the archdiocese soon.  See an article published a while back by Chris Graney.

 Click here.


Join our Cathedral Formation Family!

No matter your age or where you are on your Faith Journey, if you are interested in learning more about your faith and growing closer to God there is a place at the table for you in Formation. Please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator at or call 502-657-5217.

Next Sunday, October 27, join us for Coffee and Donuts after 9:30 Mass in the Undercroft to get an update on our sister parish in Jeremie, Haiti. 

Catholic Services Appeal 2024 – As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.

Cathedral Parish Update on CSA

Donation Goal: $115,000             As of November 18: $41,798
Household Participation Goal: 161    As of November 11:  77

Photo Gallery

Fr. Chandler’s 35th Anniversary Celebration May 2024



Spaghetti Dinner and Game Night November 2023

Feastfest 2023

Feast of St. Lorenzo at the Cathedral September 2022

Selfies from Parish Mission with Fr. Jim Sichko

A gift to  our daily lunch program from a grateful and talented lunch guest.


Vespers Service March 29, 2022



Presentation Academy Art Students winterizing Mother Catherine Spalding Statue

Parts of Assembly Line for To-Go Bags of Delicious Filipino Food



Statue of St. Joseph Dedicated to Archbishop Kurtz

Team Cathedral Ready to Go!  The return of indoor lunch in Cathedral’s Sandefur Dining Room, May 24, 2021!

Regular Mass Schedule


M-F 12 noon
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 9:30 am
12 noon
5:30 pm
Holy Days 12 noon
5:30 pm 

Wednesday, 11:00-11:45 am

Saturday, 4-5 pm

Important Links


Cathedral Online Pictorial Directory

Cathedral Online Pictorial Directory

(If you have not yet signed up for the directory, email for a user name and password)

Please note that it will be the Noon Mass on September 8 that will be live streamed.

Steiner-Reck Organ The 42 rank tracker organ has mechanical key action, and electric stop action. The gothic style casework is made of hand-carved mahogany.
Garden of Benevolence The stained-glass window in the garden was commissioned by the Cathedral Heritage Foundation during the 1994 renovation of the Cathedral.
Wood-carved Bosses The ornate woodcarvings or bosses on the ceiling were originally installed as a means for ventilation into the attic.
Arched Windows The Cathedral is designed in Neo-Gothic style. The arched windows of hand-painted glass allow sunlight to create beautiful images through-out the nave.