Parish Life

Parish Life activities nurture a spirit of community among members of the Cathedral parish.  We hope you will take a moment to browse our ministries, social groups, and opportunities for prayer and service to the Cathedral family.

Contact:  Angela Wiggins, Director of Parish Life(502) 582-2971 Ext. 5213 or


Parish Life Committee:

As a vibrant community at the Cathedral, Parish Life committee is part of the many working hands and ministries reflecting the spirit of service, stewardship and hospitality. We have an active committee that works to make the Cathedral a place where both visitors and members alike feel a sense of belonging. The Parish Life Committee coordinates and hosts activities of the varied areas of parish life –  annual events (Filipino Festival, Feastday Fest, Chrism Mass and Easter Vigil Receptions, Spring Fling Event), Sunday morning coffee and donuts, and other receptions as needed.  The group meets as needed to plan the events, which provide many opportunities to serve the parish.


Link Louisville Senior Care and Assisted Living Guide

Parish Life Ministries: 

Golden Stars – This ministry is the newest Parish Life opportunity. The Cathedral Golden Stars is a ministry organized to meet the needs of our senior parishioners. The Golden Stars meet once a month to share in social activities, day trips, service projects, and spiritual enrichment. Contact Angela Wiggins, Director of Parish Life, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5213 or

Health Ministries  – Trained health professionals share their expertise with members of the parish and the larger community. Services include blood pressure screening and wellness presentations.  Contact Delena Harris, Parish Nurse, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5207 or

Ministry To The Sick And Homebound – Ministers to the sick and homebound take Holy Communion to those unable to come to church because of chronic conditions or illness. This ministry is open to commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or to those willing to be commissioned. Contact Delena Harris, Parish Nurse, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5207 or

Ministry To the Hospitalized – Ministers to the hospitalized take Eucharist to Catholic patients at Norton or Jewish Hospitals.  The hospitals will provide appropriate training.  This ministry is open to commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or to those willing to be commissioned. Contact Delena Harris, Parish Nurse, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5207 or

Knitting Ministry  – Members of the Knitting Circle gather in a spirit of prayer and fellowship to knit or crochet prayer shawls to be given to members of the Cathedral who are sick or grieving, as well as to infants who are to be baptized.  The prayer shawl is a tangible way to show members of our faith community that they are loved, cared for, prayed for, and surrounded by God’s presence.  Prayer shawls may also be made at home to be used for the ministry. Contact  Delena Harris , Parish Nurse, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5207 or

Prayer Ministry – Ministers of Prayer spend time alone or with others, praying for members of the Cathedral and for special intentions. They will be contacted by phone or email and asked to pray for specific needs. Contact Angela Wiggins, Director of Parish Life, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5213 or

Bereavement Ministry – Bereavement Ministers send food, attend vigil services, serve lunch after funeral Masses, host the annual Service of Remembrance close to All Souls Day, and provide follow-up concern for the bereaved of the Cathedral parish.   Contact Contact Angela Wiggins, Director of Parish Life, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5213 or

Docents – Trained volunteers give tours of the Cathedral and the Archdiocese of Louisville History Center located in the Patterson Education Center. Contact Angela Wiggins, Director of Parish Life, (502) 582-2971 Ext. 5213 or


Archdiocese of Louisville History Center:   

Hours of operation, Sunday 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.   –  Group tours can be arranged by contacting the parish office, 582-2971