
The Steiner-Reck Company built the Cathedral’s organ in 1983, with additions made in 1994.  The 42 rank tracker organ has mechanical key action, electric stop action.  The gothic style casework is made of hand-carved mahogany.  Based on a Dom Bedos scaling, the organ is very capable of rendering the vast literature of the French and German Baroque, the French and German Romantic, and the eclectic 20th Century Periods in a highly convincing manner.  The acoustics of the Cathedral are ideal for choral and organ music with approximately a 3.5 second reverberation time.

Organ Stop List

 Great  Swell   Pedal   Solo
 Gedackt Pommer 16′  Gedackt 8′  Subbass 32′  Trumpet 8′
 Principal 8′  Viole 8′  Principal 16′  Cymbelstern
 Rohrflute 8′  Viole Celeste 8′  Gedackt Pommer 16′
 Octave 4′  Metalfloete 4′  Subbass 16′
 Spitzfloete 4′  Octave 2′  Principal 8′
 Nasat 2 2/3′  Quint 1 1/3′  Subbass 8′
 Octave 2′  Aliquot III  Choral Bass 4′
 Terz 1 3/5′  Mixture III-IV  Mixture IV
 Mixture III-IV  Fagotto 16′  Fagott 32′
 Trumpet 8′  Hautbois/Trompette 8′  Posaune 16′
 Great to Great 16′  Cromorne 8′  Trumpet 8′
 Swell to Great 8′  Tremulant  Kornet 4′
 Solo to Great 8′  Swell to Swell 16′  Great to Pedal 8′
 Swell to Pedal 8′
 Solo to Pedal 8′